Our sustainable strategy is indicative of our high level of ambition and the direction we want to go to contribute to a sustainable society. The strategy is based on our mission to help people live a healthy life. In order to get there, Midsona must work with what we are best at, namely:
Midsona has identified six focus areas by conducting a materiality analysis, i.e. by asking our stakeholders which aspects matter the most to them. The six focus areas help clarifying the activities Midsona is conducting and the goals set in our sustainability work, and also mean that we can measure our results over time. The focus areas are:
Midsona is conducting its operations long term so our six focus areas have been chosen based on what is most relevant to us as a company in our industry and were we see that we can influence it in the most effective way. The areas are regularly reviewed to ensure that we work with issues that are relevant to the Group and our stakeholders.
Midsona shall be a company that is permeated by health and that, based on the employees’ own responsibility and possibility, can stimulate and give the employees a chance to have a good health.
Midsona shall have an inspiring corporate culture, health promoting measures, collective agreements and a good leadership.